Forget “Try Harder” :
Disentangling Procrastination and Executive Dysfunction
Join me for a free virtual workshop on procrastination and how to most effectively manage it, especially if you have a differently-wired brain. Sign up below!
Wednesday, January 29, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Ah, procrastination!
Because we work better under pressure. Because our lives are enriched by hours on that sub-Reddit for cat lovers in Constantinople. Because we really, really don’t want to do that thing we have to do. If we wait, maybe we’ll get inspired tomorrow, right? And we wouldn’t want to deprive ourselves all the feelings! There’s the motivation and anxiety we feel when we’re down to the wire. And there’s the elation when we pull something off, and the guilt when we know we’ve cobbled together something that’s not nearly as good as it could have been.
Procrastination doesn’t love us back—
Whether we’re proud procrastinators owning it with a scarlet P on our chests or secret procrastinations hiding it behind our portrait of productivity, procrastination takes more than it gives. Then toss in some executive function challenges and our ability to get things done can feel like a basket of yarn after all of Constantinople’s cats are done with it—hopelessly snarled.
You could give up and resign yourself to always being behind and beating yourself up about it, or you could try this workshop. Because here’s the thing: procrastination and executive dysfunction are related, sure, but they aren’t the same. This workshop will help you figure out which one is actually messing with your to-do list (spoiler: it’s probably both).
Join us as we work towards:
Untangling the threads of procrastination and executive dysfunction that are keeping us caught in unproductive cycles.
Developing tools to cut ourselves free and move forward.
Ditching the guilt and actually getting stuff done (at least more of the time).
This isn’t your average “just set a timer” advice session—because you’ve heard that before, and it didn’t really work. Instead, we’ll dig into why procrastination is your brain’s favorite avoidant coping mechanism and how executive delay adds its own special flair to the chaos. Through interactive exercises, some slightly uncomfortable self-reflection (don’t worry, we’ll survive), and a few laughs along the way, you’ll leave with tools to spot what’s really going on and at least a couple of ways to snip through the snarl.
So if you’re ready to unravel how procrastination and executive dysfunction are keeping you tied in knots, join us. Your future self will thank you. Probably.